Presidential Permit to Summon Suspect of Corruption of the Member of the House of Representatives

Ramiyanto Ramiyanto


Summoning the suspect is one step in the process of investigation in the criminal justice system which had been regulated in the Criminal Code Procedure and in other special laws. However, presenting the suspect of the member of the Parliament before the Court is the problematic one. This is because in reality, it does not need a President permit but legally it does. The problem is whether pre-senting the suspect before the court without a Presidential Permit is not against the law. The findings showed that the regulation dealing with the summoning of the parliament member suspected of cor-ruption is not necessarily required. It is because the crime suspected to the members of House of Rep-resentative is included in the special crime which is stipulated the 2002 Law Number 30 deals with Corruption Eradication Commission Article 46 paragraph (1) with the elucidation in junction to Arti-cle 245 paragraph (3) sub paragraph c.

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Decision of the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Indonesia Number 76/PUU-XII/2014.

The 1945 constitution of the Republic of Indonesia.

The 1982 law no. 8 the criminal procedure law.

The 1999 law no. 31 concerning the eradi-cation of corruption.

The 2001 law no. 20 on amended to law n0. 31 of 1999 concerning the eradication of corruption.

The 2002 Law No. 30 Corruption Eradica-tion Commission.

The 2014 Law No. 17 Regarding the Peo-ple’s Consultative Council, the People’s Representative Council, the Regional Rep-resentative Council, and the Regional Peo-ple’s Representative Council.



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