Sriwijaya Law Review
Sriwijaya Law Review known as the SLRev is an international journal published by Faculty of Law, Sriwijaya University. It launched on January 31, 2017 and inaugurated formally by Rector of the University of Sriwijaya. From the establishment SLRev has published a legal periodical publishing scholarly and authoritative articles on legal issues of current importance to both academic research and legal practice. SLRev has a national and international readership, and publishes refereed contributions from authors around the globe (Southeast Asia, South Asia, Middle East, Africa, and Europe). The journal also publishes a review article (only for selected or invited authors) containing critical notices of recently published books.
The journal is a peer-reviewed journal which aims to publish new work of the highest calibre across the full range of legal scholarship, which includes but not limited to works in the law and history, legal philosophy, sociology of law, Socio-legal studies, International Law, Environmental Law, Criminal Law, Private Law, Islamic Law, Agrarian Law, Administrative Law, Criminal Procedural Law, Commercial Law, Constitutional Law, Human Rights Law, Civil Procedural Law and Adat Law. All papers submitted to this journal should be written in English. Principaly, the journal's editorial policy is to favour contributions which will be of interest to a wide cross-section of its readership - contributions which, if specialised, nevertheless serve to bring out matters of broader interest or importance within their specialisation. However, articles which are not included in the area of law and social sciences are not covered and out of the scope of this journal.
The Editorial Board shall not be responsible for views expressed in every article.
Journal Title | : Sriwijaya Law Review |
ISSN | : ISSN 2541-5298 (print) | ISSN 2541-6464 (online) |
DOI Prefix | : Prefix 10.28946 by ![]() |
Editor in Chief | : Professor. Dr. Febrian, SH., MS |
Executive Editor | : Assist. Prof. Nurhidayatuloh, SHI., S.Pd., SH., LL.M., MH., MHI |
Frequency & Publisher | : 2 issues per year (January and July) | Faculty of Law Universitas Sriwijaya |
Indexed by | : SCOPUS | DOAJ | Sinta | Asean Citation Index | Google Scholar |
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Simbur Cahaya
Jurnal Simbur Cahaya merupakan jurnal ilmiah yang dikelola oleh Fakultas Hukum Universitas Sriwijaya. Penamaan jurnal ini tidak terlepas dari sejarah yang dimiliki masyarakat Sumatera Selatan, khususnya mengenai keberadaan Kitab Simbur Cahaya pada zaman dahulu. Kitab Simbur Cahaya merupakan peninggalan dan hasil tulisan dari Ratu Sinuhun (istri penguasa Palembang yang berkuasa antara tahun 1636 sampai 1650). Beberapa ahli sejarah meyakini bahwa Kitab Simbur Cahaya merupakan kitab pertama yang diterapkan masyarakat nusantara, berupa undang-undang tertulis yang berdasarkan syariat Islam. Cerita lain menyebutkan bahwa Kitab Simbur Cahaya berkaitan erat dengan cerita munculnya sinar terang benderang di Bukit Siguntang dalam rangka menyambut kelahiran keturunan Raja Iskandar Zulkarnaen dan menjadi penanda pengesahan tiga raja muslim di tiga serumpun Melayu, yakni Palembang, Singapura dan Malaka. Secara etimologis simbur cahaya diartikan sebagai “percik sinar atau cahaya”, cahaya yang dimaknai sebagai obor dalam peradaban masyarakat Sumatera Selatan. Dalam Kitab Simbur Cahaya terkandung nilai-nilai moral serta perpaduan antara hukum adat dan ajaran agama Islam. Undang-undang Simbur Cahaya merupakan kitab undang-undang hukum adat yang memadukan antara hukum adat yang berkembang secara lisan di pedalaman Sumatera Selatan dan ajaran Islam. Kitab ini terdiri dari lima bab, yang membentuk pranata hukum dan kelembagaan adat di Sumatera Selatan, khususnya terkait persamaan gender perempuan dan laki-laki. Secara garis besar, isi undang-undang tersebut adalah sebagai berikut: 1) Adat Bujang Gadis dan Kawin; 2) Adat Marga; 3)Aturan Dusun dan Berladang; 4)Aturan Kaum; 5)Adat Perhukuman.
Berdasarkan optimisme dan nama besar Kitab Simbur Cahaya maka Fakultas Hukum Universitas Sriwijaya berusaha memberikan tempat bagi para peneliti, mahasiswa, praktisi dan akademisi untuk terhimpun dalam wadah ilmiah yakni Jurnal Simbur Cahaya. Jurnal Simbur Cahaya adalah jurnal berkala ilmiah Ilmu Hukum yang diterbitkan oleh Fakultas Hukum Universitas Sriwijaya. Terbit per-periodik bulan Juni & Desember dengan artikel yang menggunakan Bahasa Indonesia dan Bahasa Inggris. Jurnal Simbur Cahaya merupakan sarana publikasi ilmiah yang memenuhi standar kualifikasi jurnal nasional terindeks SINTA dan diharapkan dapat ditingkatkan menjadi jurnal internasional. Jurnal Simbur Cahaya diperuntukkan bagi akademisi, peneliti, mahasiswa pascasarjana, praktisi, serta pemerhati hukum. Lingkup tulisan dalam Jurnal Simbur Cahaya merupakan artikel hasil penelitian atau artikel review kasus hukum. Artikel-artikel tersebut seyogyanya mampu menjawab aneka permasalahan hukum yang dapat dipertanggungjawabkan melalui bentuk tulisan ilmiah. Sebagaimana sejarah awal terbitnya, Jurnal Simbur Cahaya banyak menyoroti kajian hukum kontemporer seperti Hukum Tata Negara, Hukum Administrasi Negara, Hukum Perdata, Hukum Pidana, Hukum Internasional, Hukum Lingkungan, Hukum Islam, dan Hukum Adat.
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Repertorium: Jurnal Ilmiah Hukum Kenotariatan
Repertorium: Jurnal Ilmiah Hukum Kenotariatan is a scientific periodical journal managed by the Master of notarial Law Study Program. Sriwijaya University Faculty of Law. This scientific journal became a publication for scientists and was published in published scientific articles in the area of notary law and PPAT. The scope of the journal repertorium covers the fields of: Contract Law, Agreement Law, Bankruptcy Law, Company Law, Intellectual Property Rights Law, and Cyber Notary Public.

Frequency : 2 issues per year (May and November)
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Nama Jurnal | : Lex Lata |
ISSN | : P-ISSN: 2714-6723 dan e-ISSN: 2657-0343 |
Editor in Chief | : Dr. Nashriana, S.H., M.Hum |
Managing Editor | : Adrian Nugraha, S.H., M.H., Ph.D |
Frequency & Publisher | : 3 kali dalam setahun (Maret, Juli, dan November) | |
Indexed by | : Google Scholar |
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Sriwijaya Crimen and Legal Studies
Sriwijaya Crimen Legal Studies (SCLS) is a peer-reviewed journal managed by Criminal Law Department Faculty of Law, Sriwijaya University. The SCLS journal is published twice a year in June and December. SCLS was first published in June because the anniversary of the Sriwijaya Kingdom is in June. SCLS accepts journals only in English. We prefer the use of American English for the manusript.
It is hoped that the SCLS Journal become a scientific tool for all researchers and academics from around the world to publish their thoughts and research results through electronic publications in the form of journals.
The naming of SCLS from "Sriwijaya" as one of the greatest kingdoms in Indonesian history which become one of the pride Palembang city and people. Besides that, the Faculty of Law, Sriwijaya University also has an international journal called Sriwijaya Law Review (SLRev). Then SCLS journal will continue to always take serious effort to develop the journal by bringing original elements of Indonesian history and the proud of Faculty of Law, Universitas Sriwijaya.
The term of "Crimen" means that this journal focuses on the development of criminology or crimes that occur in various aspects of society. Then the phrase "Legal Studies" means that this journal is also open to various research in other fields of law as long as it is still relevant to the existing scientific developments.
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Sriwijaya Journal of Private Law
Sriwijaya Journal of Private Law (SJPL) adalah jurnal ilmiah ilmu hukum yang dikelola oleh Bagian Hukum Perdata Fakultas Hukum Universitas Sriwijaya. Jurnal SJPL memuat kajian-kajian pada bidang hukum perdata yang diterbitkan dua kali dalam satu tahun pada bulan April dan Oktober. Jurnal ini bertujuan untuk menyediakan platform untuk mempublikasikan hasil pemikiran dan penelitian bagi para peneliti ilmu hukum perdata baik dari kalangan akademisi maupun praktisi dengan harapan dapat memperkaya perkembangan keilmuan hukum perdata tidak hanya di Indonesia tetapi juga secara global.
Penamaan Sriwijaya Journal of Private Law bermakna bahwa jurnal ini menghimpun semua hasil penelitian di bidang hukum perdata dan dikelola oleh Bagian Hukum Perdata Fakultas Hukum Universitas Sriwijaya. Jurnal ini diterbitkan dalam bahasa Indonesia dan bahasa Inggris. Lingkup tulisan dalam Jurnal SJPL merupakan hasil pemikiran dalam keilmuan hukum perdata yang diharapkan mampu menjawab aneka permasalahan hukum perdata yang dapat dipertanggungjawabkan melalui bentuk tulisan ilmiah.
The name Sriwijaya Journal of Private Law means that this journal collects all research results in the field of private law and is managed by the Private Law Department Faculty of Law, Sriwijaya University. This journal is published in Indonesian and English. The scope of writing in the SJPL Journal is the result of thinking in private law which is expected to be able to answer various legal issues that can be accounted for through the form of scientific writing.
Sriwijaya Journal of Private Law (SJPL) based on Open Access Journal. Thus, all articles in this journal can be accessed openly and free of charge by readers and authors who submit their articles to this journal, intended to support the development of the global world in the dissemination of knowledge, especially those related to the results of studies in the field of law, both local, national, and international law.
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Sriwijaya Law Conference
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