Sri Handayani, Mardiana -


Identity or brand is one of intellectual property that hold important roles for continue and growth of a goods and services producer. This is because a brand is what we use to differentiate one product to another. There is all kind of brand falsification with lower quality compared to the actual product to gain instant result which cost small and medium size industries who produce the original product. Based on that fact there is a need for rules to protect the rights to brand owner especially those small to medium size processed food producer Undang-undang Merek Nomor 15 Tahun 2001. Law protec- tion for brand not only made to benefit producers but also set out to protect the consumers. Therefore protection for brands must be set firmly to protect consumers from falsification of goods and services which use brand name illegally. Equally important, with law protection for brand there are possibili- ties to explore outside market (export). By protecting small to medium size brands with Undang- undang Nomor 15 tahun 2001, could improve employee motivation and positively impact them to increase their competitiveness in order to gain more income. Harnessing the right to use their intellec- tual property for processed food business owner is something we need to improve upon so they could introduce their best products to global market. Harnessing the right to use their intellectual property for small to medium size business, especially the brand registration act for small to medium size processed food business have not going smoothly. And it shown by ammount of businesses who have not yet register their brand and understand the importance of registering their brand.

Keyword; The utilization of intellectual property rights, small to medium industries, brand registration.

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