Retanisa Rizqi, Aziza Aziz Rahmaningsih


This research aims to determine the implementation of good governance in the Joko Widodo government in improving the welfare of the people. This type of research is library research. Data collection was carried out using literature study techniques. The results of this research show that the implementation of good governance in the Joko Widodo government in improving the welfare of the people is carried out through several programs. These programs are a complete and comprehensive Human Development paradigm and make development in Indonesia not just for the sake of growth, and not only create a luxury that was previously unimaginable, but encourage extraordinary changes beyond the economic sphere, encouraging the state to emerge and shape many governments are democratic, clean and participatory. With these programs, Jokowi places human welfare as the backbone, so that he can bring sense into the economic sector which can eradicate poverty, reduce hunger, expand opportunities for economic activity, reduce social deprivation, reduce neglect of public services, reduce inequality and disparity, and strengthen social restoration and mental revolution, as well as the elimination of repressive tyranny.

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