Joni Ardiansyah, Nikmah Rosidah, Deni Achmad


Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children is a fundamental violation of children's rights. The violation is in the form of sexual violence by adults in exchange for a child, or a third person, or other people. Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children causes children to be treated as commercial sexual objects. This study aims to determine, understand and analyze the factors that influence the criminal act of child commercial sexual exploitation in the coastal areas of the city of Bandar Lampung. This research uses a normative juridical approach and an empirical juridical approach, which uses data collection techniques by means of library research and field studies, which are enriched with resource data consisting of the police, judges, non-governmental organizations who have specialties in this field. , and legal academics. The results obtained are the factors that influence the criminal act of Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children in the coastal area of the city of Bandar Lampung. It can be seen from the factors of the poor community, so that people make this activity a job to fulfill their daily needs. The suggestion in this research is that there must be good coordination between law enforcement officials and the government to prevent the recurrence of the crime of Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children, such as providing decent work and conducting educational activities to the public regarding this crime of Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children. The community must also be able to openly and cooperate with all related parties to prevent the recurrence of the crime of Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children.

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.28946/scls.v2i1.2641


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