Bukti Elektronik Sebagai Alat Pembuktian Dalam Transaksi Elektronik

Safitri Indriani, Joni Emirzon


Dr. KN. Sofyan Hasan, S.H., M.Hum.


Abstract: The development of information technology law has been driven by the convergence of telocommunication and informatics technology and one of them is to encourage the birth of an alternative for conducting business activities known as electronic trading (hereinafter referred to as e-commerce). In conducting transactions both conventional and through electronic media will cause rights and obligations for each party concerned, but not all parties do not commit defaults, if a default occurs then it must be equipped with electronic evidence, but if there is a default and has reached the stage of default the trial in court the role and authority of the judge who will determine the evidence is rejected or accepted. From the description, the problem that will be discussed is how the legal criteria that determine that electronic mail can be located as authentic evidence. The research method used is a normative research method, to produce arguments, theories, new concepts, interpretations as prescriptions in solving problems using deductive thinking logic. The results of this study indicate that the criteria are determined by the law whose proof is based on reliability and neccesite. The conclusion from the study is that electronic evidence can be accepted if it meets the criteria specified by the law.

Kata Kunci: Electronic Transaction, Electronic Evidence, Proof.

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.28946/lexl.v2i1.565


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